Tri Kappa Cheeseballs
Our cheeseballs are world famous...well... at least Southern Indiana famous!
In 2024, thanks to YOU, we sold over 1500 cheeseballs and raised over $11,000! Our Everything Bagel Seasoning cheeseball continues to be a hit, and we appreciate those who helped donate 34 cheeseballs to support our efforts!
Here’s the brie-lliant part:
Every cheeseball you order helps fund scholarships and grants for local students and non-profits! You can also donate cheeseballs to local first responders, nurses, or non-profits! They'll be extra cheesy with gratitude!
We serve up 10oz cheeseballs in three mouth-watering flavors: Original ($8), Pecan Rolled ($9), and Everything Bagel Seed ($9). Whether you like sharp, nutty, or savory, we have your taste buds covered!
Check back later this Fall for more information about cheeseball sales in 2025!
We’d love to highlight past & current donors to our cheeseball chaos! Without these companies or individuals, we wouldn’t have the success we do each year!
One World Commissary - OWC has donated their commissary kitchen for several years.
Gordon Food Service - GFS donated the high quality ingredients to us this year!
Lisa Orme Richardson-Lola Rue & Co.
All our TK Sisters who sell and assemble the cheeseballs!