Small sacrifices, meaningful impact
Each month, our members are invited to participate in making a small sacrifice, a small contribution of the change in their wallet, a few dollars, or maybe a jar of peanut butter. Funds and donations are collected at membership meetings for a special project determined by the Community Service Committee. In addition to our grants and small sacrifice donations, the chapter donates through state level initiatives, including the Riley Cheer Guild.
Members presented over 150 books, as well as gift bags and tissue paper, to the Monroe County United Minitries’ (MCUM) daycare program. The donation will helped provide Christmas gifts to about 140 area children. Front, from left, are Tri Kappa Beth Murray and MCUM’s Katie Broadfoot; in back, Tri Kappa Community Service Chair Maria Douglas, left, and President Amanda Burnham stand on either side of Shannon Hampton, MCUM’s office manager. (Featured in the Herald Times, December 2017)
Tri Kappa collected nursing pads and $325 in cash and gift card contributions for to support transportation services for the newly created IU Health Nurse-Family Partnerships (NFP). The program facilitates healthy pregnancies and infants, and promotes self-sufficiency in high-risk women. Women can enroll when 28-weeks pregnant and stay enrolled to her child’s second birthday.
Community outreach
Bloomington-based organizations are the focus of small sacrifice funds and donations from the chapter. In 2020-21, over $1300 in cash/gift cards were donated in addition to nearly $9,000 in kind of service hours, hand sanitizer, books, warm coats and bedding, and more to the Bloomington community.
Past donations have included:
Adopted Families for the holiday season
Arthritis Foundation
Banneker Community Center
Camp Kesem
Community Kitchen
First Books of Monroe County
Girlfriend Fund (Olcott Center)
Girls’ Inc.
Girls’ Inc. Period Poverty Project
Habitat for Humanity Scholars
IU Compassionate Cart
IU Health Nurse Family Partners
IU’s LGBTQ+ Center
MCCSC School Assistance Fund
Meals on Wheels
Middle Way House & the Rise Shelter
Monroe County United Ministries
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard
My Sister’s Closet
New Hope for Families
Olcott Center
Operation Paperback for Veterans
People & Animal Learning Services (PALS)
Pet’s Alive
Riley Cheer Guild
Salvation Army
State Backpack Challenge
Students on the Spectrum
Suzy’s Place
Teacher’s Warehouse
The Women’s Care Fund
Thrive by Five
Veteran’s Stand Down
Wheeler Mission for Homeless
Wreaths Across America