Powerful giving
The Bloomington Alpha Chapter of Tri Kappa has been supporting culture, charity and education in Bloomington since 1901 and today we are proud to continue looking to the future of supporting Bloomington by establishing an endowment with the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County.
Thank you to everyone that has participated in our events and fundraisers, supporting our efforts to support our community!
Tri Kappa leaders establishing a new endowment with the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County on Monday, July 1, 2019. First row, left to right: Trish Surfus Smith, Tina Peterson (Community Foundation), Amanda Burnham. Second Row: Stephanie Williamson, Beth Theile, and Megan Parmenter.
Interested in donating?
Your gift to the Tri Kappa – Bloomington Alpha Chapter Philanthropy Fund will help to create a permanent, sustainable resource to support Tri Kappa’s philanthropic efforts in Bloomington including education, culture, and charity.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the Tri Kappa – Bloomington Alpha Chapter Philanthropy Fund, you may do so in one of the following ways:
By Check: Please make the check payable to the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County with Tri Kappa – Bloomington Alpha Chapter Philanthropy Fund written on the check’s memo line. Send directly to:
Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County
100 S. College Avenue, Suite 240
Bloomington, IN 47404
Give Online: You can donate online here. Select “Tri Kappa – Bloomington Alpha Chapter Philanthropy Fund” from the Fund drop-down menu.
Tri Kappa – Bloomington Alpha Chapter will be notified of your donation to our Endowment.