Judy Hoke

Judy Farmer Hoke was actually coaxed into Tri Kappa twice by the same person: her best friend, Nancy Parmenter.

“Nancy was my sponsor when I first joined Tri Kappa. I did my 10 years and then went inactive. When Megan (Parmenter) was president, Nancy persuaded me to join once again,” Judy laughs. “She told me how much fun it was. She thought I would enjoy being around such positive women.”

Judy and Nancy met in kindergarten, so to speak. Their children attended Childs Elementary, and the duo were the room mothers that year. They have been fast friends ever since.

Judy was born in Alamogordo, N.M., where her father was stationed with the U.S. Army as a physician on the Native American reservation. They soon moved to Indiana to be closer to family and landed in Bloomington as Judy started her sophomore year at Bloomington North.

While studying social work at Indiana University, Judy met her future husband, Chris, during an off-campus motorcycle race. When they married, Judy began working at the Salvation Army and then the Farm Bureau Coop. When her three children started arriving, Judy stayed home to care for them. She and Chris now have three grandchildren.

Judy has been involved in the Free Methodist Church since her high school days and takes her faith very seriously. She has taught Sunday School through the years. She also spent a term on the Boys & Girls Club Auxiliary.

The Key member enjoys working on baskets for Blingo and looks forward to the monthly meetings.

“I want to do good for the community, to be in a positive environment,” Judy says. “All these women, no matter where you look, are so positive, kind and generous. The women give of their time, talent and resources. They are happy to give.”

It’s the sisterhood, however, that really keeps Judy involved in the Alpha chapter.

“Sometimes life gets you down, but when I go to Tri Kappa on Tuesdays, I never feel judged, no matter what you wear, what kind of car you drive, where you live,” Judy says. “I feel like you’re loved and accepted by this wonderful group.”


   More About Judy:

  • Creature of habit

  • Faith is foremost in her life

  • Loves watching old westerns and the “Housewives” shows

  • Only buys black cars

  • Her husband calls her “Lucy”