Judy Downey

“I am a Tri Kappa.”

That’s what Judy Downey said to Mary Jane Hall right after MJ’s minutes-long soliloquy on Tri Kappa’s merits. And that’s all it took. With a little nudge, Judy decided to become active in a Tri Kappa chapter for the first time since her college days.

Initiated as a legacy following high school in Brownstown, Judy has become the Alpha chapter’s resident decorator and crafter.

“I like the fact that (Tri Kappa) has a mixture of ages of women. It is very sisterly,” Judy said. “No matter how old you are, you can sit down at a table (and feel comfortable). That’s a big plus.”

It will come as no surprise to those who know her well that Judy is an art teacher by trade – after all, she loves both art and mentoring students. Her present job as the sorority and fraternity alumni coordinator for Indiana University’s Office of Student Life and Learning keeps her engaged with college students daily. Before hiring on at IU, she owned and operated craft stores for 25 years.

In her spare time, Judy volunteers her decorating skills at Sherwood Oaks Christian Church, with her college sorority Alpha Chi Omega and at the Salvation Army’s Kettle Kickoff.

While she loved the artsy aspect of the Spring Tea, she says she has to admit Blingo is probably her favorite Tri Kappa activity nowadays.

“It’s going to be awesome (again this year),” Judy says of Blingo. “It’s (so fun for the) community.”

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   More About Judy:

  • Crafts while watching TV

  • Loves red (avid Hoosier alum!)

  • Co-advises IU’s Student Athletic Board

  • Proud mom and grandmother

  • Chicago Art Institute alum